Q3 OCTG Inventory Quarterly: Back to the Future
Another quarter wrapped; time to zoom in on the results of our exclusive OCTG inventory yard survey. First, we want to give props to the...
Q3 OCTG Inventory Quarterly: Back to the Future
Spinning The OCTG Wheel of Fortune
The New ‘Now’ for OCTG: “To Infinity & Beyond...”
2Q22 OCTG Inventories: The Definitive Situational Analysis
OCTG 2H22: Call of the Wild
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‘Holmes-ing’ In On 1Q22 OCTG Inventories: Not So “Elementary My Dear.”
OCTG 2022: ‘Supply’ is the New Demand
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Marching to the Beat of a ‘Better’ Drummer
Will the Stars Align & OCTG Prove its ‘Metal’ in 2021?
4Q20 OCTG Inventory Survey: Diagnosing What Condition Our Condition Is In
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Breaking OCTG’s Fall | Autumn 2020